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Women's rugby starts in Arizona with clash between Tucson OP Lightning and Phoenix Rugby Club


Updated: Feb 3, 2023

Saturday was al about women's rugby. @phxwomensrugby hosted @oplightningrugby in Phoenix AZ, and it was AWESOME. Women's rugby in Arizona is growing, and it's getting better and more fun to watch each year . This was one of the best games we witnessed so far . Both clubs had impressive numbers ready to play, and the players showed a lot of speed and skills . These girls also love contact . Hard tackles and big aggressive runs were the norm for the whole 80 minutes. The crowd loved it . This game was the perfect show to get the 2023 rugby season going, and both teams looked like they enjoyed every second of it.

here are a few pictures from the day for your entertainment . \

All pictures are free to download and use for all players, family and friends of players only .